
2010年1月31日 星期日


i go to setia alam to saw the ''woohoo da ri zi''...
so many ppl...at there so hot...
bt hapi lo...me take photo with they...
wah...lengzai as all...
i oso gt ply games lo...win dao prezent...

thn 3:40p.m. lik tat,me n sis go to pin hua (1),
bring my bro from kelas lukisan...
thn we go agn...my bro go ply puzzle win dao prezent agn...
thn 5p.m. go bck bath...5++p.m. we go setia alam agn...
me n sis ply games,win dao 3 robots n many things...

thn second sis n bro bck home,me n big sis at there until 10+++
bcx hv show...so hapi a...we sing togethere...
30/1/10 is me very hapi de day....haha...^^

